San Antonio versus Houston


Bob: Houston 6

Bob Sr.: San Antonio 6

Barbara: Houston 4

Kenyatta: San Antonio 6

Kyle: San Antonio 4

Perry: San Antonio 6

Chuck: Houston 7

Dave: Houston 6

Derek: Houston 6

Alex: San Antonio 7

Colin: San Antonio 7

Eli: Houston 4

Wes: San Antonio 5


Nobody picked:

Houston 5


Golden State versus Utah


Bob: Golden State 4

Bob Sr.: Golden State 4

Barbara: Golden State 7

Kenyatta: Golden State 4

Kyle: Golden State 6

Perry: Golden State 5

Chuck: Golden State 5

Dave: Golden State 5

Derek: Golden State 4

Alex: Golden State 5

Colin: Golden State 6

Eli: Golden State 5

Wes: Golden State 4


Nobody picked:

Utah 4, 5, 6, or 7


Cleveland versus Toronto


Bob: Cleveland 4

Bob Sr.: Cleveland 5

Barbara: Cleveland 5

Kenyatta: Cleveland 4

Kyle: Cleveland 4

Perry: Cleveland 5

Chuck: Cleveland 6

Dave: Cleveland 6

Derek: Cleveland 4

Alex: Cleveland 5

Colin: Cleveland 6

Eli: Cleveland 5

Wes: Cleveland 5


Nobody picked:

Cleveland 7

Toronto 4, 5, 6, or 7


Boston versus Washington


Bob: Boston 5

Bob Sr.: Washington 7

Barbara: Boston 7

Kenyatta: Boston 4

Kyle: Washington 6

Perry: Washington 6

Chuck: Boston 7

Dave: Boston 7

Derek: Washington 6

Alex: Washington 6

Colin: Boston 6

Eli: Washington 6

Wes: Washington 7


Nobody picked:

Washington 4, 5




Round #2 Details:



        4 Series played, each one with a maximum of 12pts.


                For each series, name the winner, and the number of games it will take

for them to win (Maximum of 7, minimum of 4).


        Naming the losing team:                       0pts

        Naming the winning team:                    8pts (also see the next 2 sections)

        [ Naming the exact number of games:   4pts

           Penalty for wrong number of games:   -1pt for each game off ]



* Home Court Advantage for the teams listed on top.

* Format for play: HCA teams gets 2 home, 2 away, then alternating (2-2-1-1-1)


1. Boston (53-29)                    Season Wins

  vs                                              Tied 2-2

4. Washington (49-33)

2. Cleveland (51-31)                Season Wins

  vs                                             Cleveland

3. Toronto (51-31)                         3-1



# of games:



# of games:

1. Golden State (67-15)           Season Wins

  vs                                          Golden State

5. Utah (51-31)                              2-1

2. San Antonio (61-21)            Season Wins

  vs                                           San Antonio

3. Houston (55-27)                          3-1



# of games:



# of games: